Arterial Roads Rehabilitation and Bicycle Lane Improvements Wins ASCE Project Award

BEN|EN is excited to announce the City of Elk Grove won a Project Award by the ASCE Sacramento Section for the Arterial Roads Rehabilitation and Bicycle Lane Improvements Project under the Bikeways & Trails category! This project is owned by the City of Elk Grove with our President Leo Rubio as the Project Manager and Carlton Allen as Lead Project Engineer for civil engineering services. Thank you to our hardworking staff for bringing this project to our community!

The project team included GEOCON, Wreco, ESA, Unico, and Bess Testlab. The team provided civil engineering services including preliminary engineering, environmental documentation, and final plans, specifications, and estimates for this federally funded project. The project included minor roadway widening to accommodate bicycle lanes, pavement rehabilitation, striping, signage, and minor ditch grading associated with the widening. It also replaces three existing culverts and adds a mid-block crossing with solar-powered rectangular rapid flashing beacons, a pedestrian refuge island, appropriate curb ramps, and a new sidewalk on the west side of Waterman Road.

Waterman Road after the rehabilitation.
Waterman Road after the rehabilitation.
An image of the rehabilitation project with new crosswalks for pedestrians.
New crosswalks for pedestrians.

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