Kammerer Road Reconstruction wins Project Award

BEN|EN is excited to announce the City of Elk Grove won a Project Award by the ASCE Sacramento Section for the Kammerer Road Reconstruction project under the Roadway & Highway category! This project is owned by the City of Elk Grove with Leo Rubio as the Project Manager and Carlton Allen as Lead Project Engineer for civil engineering services. Thank you to our hardworking staff for bringing this project to our community!

The Kammerer Road Reconstruction is a 2.3-mile project part of the Capital Southeast Connector project – a 34-mile expressway spanning from Interstate 5, south of Elk Grove, to Highway 50 in El Dorado Hills.

The project team included GEOCON, VE Solutions, Fehr & Peers, Unico, Callander, West Yost Associates. The team provided professional services including preliminary engineering, environmental permit coordination, right-of-way coordination, traffic studies, drainage studies, utility relocations and final plans, specifications, and estimates. The first phase reconstructed the existing road to its ultimate horizontal and vertical alignments to accommodate future widening. It included roadway realignment and profile grade adjustments, one travel lane in each direction, shoulders, a median with turn lanes, paving, striping, signage, storm drainpipes, drainage inlets, drainage basin, ditch grading, abandonment of three agricultural water wells, and demolition of an existing AT&T building and cell tower.

Drone view of the new Kammerer Road.

Aerial photo taken of the new Kammerer Road.

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