Innovative and Cost-Effective Solutions
We understand your project requires a responsive design team that produces cost-effective solutions with close attention to your schedule. Bennett Engineering Services provides these transportation services for these projects with attention and dedication:
- Roadway Planning and Design
- Complete Streets and Streetscapes
- Utility Relocation Coordination
- Hydraulics & Hydrology
- Traffic Signals and Lighting
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Construction Traffic Control
- Stormwater Detention and Retention
- Grant Funding Application and Management Assistance
- Federal Funding Processing
- Caltrans PID, PA&ED, and PS&E Processing
- Caltrans Encroachment Permit Processing
- Right-of-Way Engineering
- Permit Update and Compliance
- Regional Water Quality Control Board Compliance
- Pipelines and Pump/Lift Station Design
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
- Qualified SWPPP Developer/Practitioners (QSD/QSP)
- Construction Assistance