BEN|EN is excited to announce we have won a Project of the Year Award by the APWA Sacramento Chapter for the West Gibson Road Safe Routes to School – Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Improvements project under the Transportation category! This project is owned by City of Woodland. Our Project Manager Lizette Zavala managed the civil engineering services for this project.
Here is a brief description of the project:
The corridor along W. Gibson Road experienced significant bicycle and pedestrian safety issues. This project aimed to reduce accidents and decrease vehicle miles of travel as many people ride bicycles in this community. Due to the high traffic volume, land use designation, and width of the road, reducing the number of travel lanes via a road diet and adding buffered bicycle lanes was determined the best alternative for the project area. This provided separation from traffic for bicyclists and slowed vehicle speeds while still providing a sufficient level of service for the corridor. The City worked with the school community, residents, and stakeholders to gather information to increase safety around schools in the project area.
BEN|EN provided engineering support services, including survey and topographic mapping, utility coordination, road diet design, sidewalk improvements in spot locations, ADA-compliant curb ramp design, signal modifications, pavement evaluation, and pavement resurfacing recommendations using Full-Depth Recycling/Reclamation. Safe Routes to School funds funded Project Approval and Environmental Documentation and Plans, Specifications, and Estimate.
Thank you to our hardworking staff for bringing this project to our community, along with Unico Engineering and GPA Consulting!