Bennett Engineering Services was selected by the Suisun-Solano Water Authority to design a second pipeline, consisting of 20-inch diameter PVC, from the Cement Hill Water Treatment Plant (CHWTP) to the site of the existing Tank 2A and new Tank 2B. Tasks include project management, engineering design, flow meter installation, assistance with acquisition of an encroachment permit from the US Bureau of Reclamation for construction within the Putah Canal right-of-way, assuring environmental compliance via CEQA IS/MND, preparation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), public outreach, and design support during construction.
The BEN|EN team includes Geocon Consultants, Control Point Engineering, Ascent Environmental, Circlepoint, and Unico Engineering providing geotechnical, electrical engineering, environmental, public outreach, and surveying services, respectively.