BEN|EN to Design Mariposa Safe Routes to School, Phase 4 for City of Citrus Heights

The City of Citrus Heights has selected a Bennett Engineering Services-led team to provides engineering design, public outreach, and right-of-way services for the Mariposa Safe Routes to School, Phase 4 project. Phase 4 will provide the final one-third mile of sidewalk connectivity for this 1.2-mile-long multi-phase project connecting Skycrest Elementary School with the surrounding residential neighborhood.

Mariposa Avenue currently lacks sidewalks
The Mariposa Safe Routes to School project will add sidewalks along the route to Skycrest Elementary School.

The design includes Class 2 bike lanes, street lighting, landscape restoration, drainage system improvements, traffic signal upgrades, countdown pedestrian crossing heads, ADA-compliant curb ramps, pedestrian-activated push buttons, and curb, gutter, and sidewalk. Several property fences, gates, driveways, and some landscaping will be impacted. Utility relocations are anticipated for water meters, water valves, a fire hydrant and air release valve, sewer cleanouts, sewer manholes, and gas valves. The project is funded by State Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant funds, requiring comprehensive knowledge of the state funding process to maintain schedule and budget.

The BEN|EN team includes Interwest Consulting Group, Geocon Consultants, Y&C Transportation Consultants, GPA Consulting, and Unico Engineering providing right-of-way, geotechnical, signals and electrical engineering, environmental, and surveying services, respectively.

July 24, 2019