Sewer Alternatives Analysis and Feasibility Report
After years of constrained business and population growth, this study evaluated converting the Town of Paradise’s urban core from individual septic to a municipal sewer system. The study received funding from the State Water Resources Control Board. The Town selected Bennett Engineering Services to provide alternatives analysis with conceptual designs, a feasibility report, and special district formation services.
The firm analyzed five alternatives, including a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) with stream/creek discharge, a WWTP with land application, WWTP with recycled water for beneficial reuse, regional conveyance the City of Chico Wastewater Treatment Plant, and a no project option. The terrain in Paradise poses potential issues for wastewater collection and pipeline construction. Located in the Sierra Foothills, Paradise has a mountainous terrain, with steep grades and significant quantities of rock. Analysis of the sewer system alternatives addressed the geologic factors.
Deliverables included a draft feasibility report with alternatives analysis, final report for the preferred option with cost estimates for grant and loan funding options, and property assessment.
After previous project failures because of stakeholders’ concerns over cost, public acceptance is one of the largest challenges in converting the Town from septic to a sewer system. To address these concerns, the Town scaled down the area to be included in the sewer district and the team launched an intensive public outreach program with significant stakeholder engagement to address public questions and concerns.