Pre-Stressed Concrete Storage Tank and Pipeline Provide Water for Rapid Growth and Redundancy
Construction Video Tour
The purpose of the Verdera North Tank #3 project is to provide the City of Lincoln with an adequate supply of water to accommodate rapid growth and provide additional redundancy. In addition to the 5-million-gallon tank and site improvements, the project includes 16-inch and 36-inch pipelines. The 16-inch, higher pressure pipeline provides water to the existing system in the adjacent neighborhood. The 36-inch pipeline provides water to the system at a lower elevation. The pipeline design included evaluation of pipe material and a cathodic protection system. The design also included grading for a second 5-million-gallon tank planned for the future.
As project managers and engineer-of-record, Bennett Engineering Services ensured communication and coordination with city staff, Placer County Water Agency (PCWA), and other agencies. While the city is funding the design and construction, after construction is complete, PCWA will own, operate, and maintain the pressure reducing and metering station. The city will own, operate, and maintain the storage tank. The firm also provided public outreach support, including a presentation to the adjacent homeowner association.
The tank site lays over a cemented volcanic mudflow rock formation, which overlays variably weathered granitic rock. Such variability can lead to construction difficulties and non-uniform, foundation-bearing conditions for the new structures. Therefore, detailed geotechnical/geological assessment and analysis were essential for project success.