City of Lincoln – General Engineering Services

Engineering Staff Assist with Entitlement Review, Plan Checking, and Capital Improvements

The City of Lincoln has its own sewer and water systems and has three major specific plan areas. Since 2010, Bennett Engineering Services has provided senior engineering staff to assist the with city construction inspection and contract administration; entitlement review for specific plans, tentative subdivision maps, and site developments; and review of improvement plans for development.

The improvement plans have included treated and raw water transmission mains, distribution mains and individual services, meters, and backflow protection devices. Plan reviews are for compliance with the city’s design standards, standard construction specifications, State Water Quality Control Board requirements, compliance with master plans, and maintenance needs. Plan reviews are coordinated with maintenance staff and the fire department.

The team has been diligent in providing quick responses to budget estimate requests, initiating assignments as soon as authorized, and completing assignments within schedule.

“Bennett Engineering has provided a senior engineer staff member for the City of Lincoln and their availability and attention to detail have been a great asset to the City of Lincoln.”
Bruce Burnworth, PE, retired City Engineer, City of Lincoln

13606 or 10418