2015 ASCE Sacramento Section Water “Project of the Year” Award
2015 ACWA Clair A. Hill Water Agency Award for Excellence Finalist
Pump Station Design and Construction Expedited for Drought Response
The city initiated this project in response to curtailed surface water deliveries after a drought led to low water levels in Folsom Lake. The City has multiple Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR) wells in their Zone 4 area, which is at a lower hydraulic grade line than Zone 1, with Zone 1 serviced by surface water. These two stations will provide additional water to Zone 1 customers from surplus well production in Zone 4 and by a neighboring district’s wells. Both sites are located at existing pressure reducing valve (PRV) stations. The City wanted to duplicate the packaged station that Bennett Engineering Services previously designed for the Highland Reserve North Pump Station facility.
This project provides two factory-manufactured pump stations complete with a building designed to fit in with the surrounding neighborhood. The Pleasant Grove site station includes a split-faced, block-look exterior. The PFE Road station includes a stucco-look exterior. Each station consists of three identical pumps.
The Pleasant Grove site is an extremely restricted area sandwiched between Pleasant Grove Boulevard and an environmentally sensitive open space. The site has an existing underground PRV station, above ground SCADA pedestal, and power pads. A pedestrian walkway bounds the site on the open space side with a bike lane on the Pleasant Grove Boulevard side. Pedestrian and bike traffic must be considered during construction. The use of a packaged pump station design provides for a greatly reduced on-site construction period, as the station is delivered to the site complete within its own building. The only site work is the construction of water, power, SCADA connections, and a building pad prior to delivery of the station.
“In response to the 2014 drought, the City needed to get two pump stations designed, bid and constructed in a very short time frame, meeting all City design specifications. Bennett Engineering has been very responsive to the schedule and has provided innovative solutions to work around possible delays. As a result, the pump stations were on schedule to meet demands for 2015.”
Jim Mulligan, City of Roseville