Innovative Solution Saves City $200,000 in Pump Station Construction Costs
The project included integration of a new pump station into the City’s extended-period H2OMAP water modeling for pumping system analysis. The Bennett Engineering Services team then completed engineering design and construction management of a pre-packaged pump station with three variable-frequency drive (VFD) operated pumps.
The project was originally conceived by the City as a built-in-place pump station. Using the city’s water model, the team was able to test innovative solutions, such as reconfiguring existing Zone 5 to Zone 1 pressure relief valves to also act as check valves. This allowed Zone 1 water to enter Zone 5 when Zone 5 pressure dropped below Zone 1 pressure. This, in turn, was shown to provide fire flow to Zone 5 without fire pumps. The elimination of the fire pump requirement reduced the cost of the station.
The team designed the packaged pump station and building to meet City of Roseville design standards. The project was publically bid, listing the three pre-approved package pump station suppliers, and saved the City more than $200,000 in construction costs. In addition to cost savings, construction quality was improved and construction time was reduced. The project included integration of the pump station telemetry with the city SCADA system.