Remove and Replace, Cured-in-Place Pipe Lining, Wart Hogging, and New Manhole Installation Used to Update Wastewater System
Newcastle Sanitary District maintained and operated approximately 5,500 linear feet of sanitary sewer collection system ranging from 6-inch to 10-inch pipes that needed evaluation and repair. The team prepared an inflow and infiltration (I/I) study for the entire collection system that detailed specific areas in the collection system that required repair and bid documents to execute those repairs. The I/I study included an updated, detailed system map identifying damaged areas in the system. This involved existing records research, interviews with NSD personnel, collection of field data using flow measuring devices, and video inspection. With help from and in collaboration with South Placer Municipal Utility District (SPMUD), the report identified NSD deficiencies, issues and recommendations, and priority list of repairs.
A total of 60 repairs were identified and assigned one of four corresponding repair methods; remove and replace, cured-in-place pipelining, wart hogging, and installation of new manholes. Construction documents were prepared for the selected repair sites in the system. Bennett Engineering Services prepared construction documents, managed the bid process, and provided construction management services. The team worked closely with NSD, SPMUD, and the contractor in the field to complete the needed repairs in a timely manner and stay in budget.
“We have a great team working on this that is technically excellent and easy to work with and that gets results!”
Ed Sander, Former General Manager, Newcastle Sanitary District