California High Speed Rail ROW Engineering

Right-of-Way Engineering Mapping Support

This project included support for right-of-way appraisal mapping and generating Resolution-of-Necessity mapping for High-Speed Rail Construction Packages 1, 2-3, and 4. Bennett Engineering Services generated right-of-way exhibit maps that help the authority determine the preliminary approach to right-of-way requirements. The team has also provided support for the development of CADD standards for right-of-way mapping and works closely with authority engineers to expedite delivery of right-of-way mapping.

“Bennett Engineering Services is a top-notch firm and we see it in their product. What I like best about working with them is their knowledge in project delivery, right-of-way, and civil engineering. They are a one-stop shop. They are team players and do what it takes. Their invoicing is very clean and professional. They are a model for other firms-I use them as a guide for speed and quality.”
Robert Rosas, Jr., Senior Right-of-Way Agent, California High Speed Rail Authority