Factory-Built Packaged Pump Station Demonstrates Cost and Time Savings
Bennett Engineering Services analyzed the Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) water model, to determine the most appropriate means of adding facilities to provide service to the project with four pressure zones (one of which is a pumped closed zone). The pre-design effort included a report on projected demands, engineering calculations, pipe size optimization, and meetings with the agency’s operations staff to define the specific requirements for the system. As a part of this process, the design team proposed the use of a packaged pumping station, saving 20 percent on the construction costs and months of construction time.
PCWA typically used rule-of-thumb velocity requirements for sizing transmission mains. In this case, they wanted an analysis to determine the design diameter. The project included a concrete masonry building with roof hatches for pump removal, pump controls, startup, SCADA, and backup power via a Tier III diesel genset. Services included air quality permitting for the diesel genset.