City of Biggs – City Engineer

City Engineer Leads Infrastructure Funding and Improvements

Bennett Engineering Services has provided complete City Engineering services to the City of Biggs since 2011. Assignments include but are not limited to the following tasks:

  • Preparation of staff reports to City Council, Planning Commission, and Public Works Committees
  • Plan checking
  • Review and approval of final and parcel maps
  • Lot-line adjustments
  • Right-of-way and easement legal descriptions and
  • Assisting with infrastructure planning and design

Funding acquisition assistance has provided more than $16 million for infrastructure improvements. In addition, the team has designed and prepared plans, specifications, and estimates and performed construction management for projects including the 6th Street Bridge Replacement, Safe Routes to School Projects, Pavement Repairs, Water Storage Tank and Pump Station, Water Line Replacements, and extensive Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements.