New Distribution Main Installed on an Existing Bridge
This pipeline replacement project for the Sacramento Suburban Water District (SSWD) included project management, background research, design services, environmental and permitting services, and engineering services during construction. The 14-inch pipeline located within the creek bed of Arcade Creek near the Indian River Bridge in the City of Citrus Heights had been exposed due to creek erosion and required relocation. SSWD desired to replace the exposed pipeline and install a new distribution main that would be supported by the Indian River Bridge.
Due to the project’s location, coordination with multiple agencies was required. The bridge was owned by the City of Citrus Heights but the pipe itself was SSWD property. SSWD initially wanted to abandon the pipe in-place and slurry over it. However, the City wanted the pipe removed. Removing the pipe created a much bigger environmental impact, causing the need for additional permits. The project schedule was highly dependent on the scope of environmental services needed. With open communication and complete transparency, the team was able to quickly convey a complete understanding of the issues with district staff and the Department of Fish and Wildlife, thus resulting in a faster review. A complete lack of as-built information for the existing bridge also created challenges. Furthermore, the bridge was curved and SSWD desired to use ductile iron pipe for this replacement which is a non-flexible material. BEN|EN coordinated with our team’s structural engineer to implement a specialty joint pipe and strategically placed the pipe brackets to accommodate the curve of the bridge. The team was able to build the frame without the as-builts by basing the design on survey information instead.
12413 funding | 12494 design