Roundabout Increases Road Safety and Accommodates Truck Traffic
The project is located on State Route (SR) 190 at the intersection of Rockford Road and SR 190 in Tulare County. The design includes a single-lane roundabout to improve safety and reduce collisions at the intersection. The existing pavement within the intersection will be replaced with HMA (Type A) pavement. Furthermore, a separate jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP) truck apron at the center of the roundabout will accommodate standard STAA trucks as well as oversized booster trucks.
The roundabout project will maintain existing traffic patterns with modified driveways and construct lighting, flashing beacons, sidewalks, splitter islands, pedestrian passageways, curb ramps, and bike ramps. The central island and splitter island will be paved with rock blankets, at this intersection.
As a subconsultant, the firm is responsible for all hydrology/hydraulics and stormwater reports, drainage design, development of water pollution control and drainage plans, specifications, and estimate, and bidding and construction support.