Drainage Improvements to I-5 Make Way for An HOV Lane
As a subconsultant, Bennett Engineering Services was tasked to provide construction engineering and technical support to develop drainage plans, specifications, and cost estimates for the addition of a High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane in downtown Sacramento including the “Boat Section” of I-5. The drainage reports spans from Sutterville Road to Richards Boulevard. The team analyzed the effects of adding an HOV lane on storm water spread in the existing system; provided proposed drainage system improvements to keep spread within the shoulder. Analysis used as-builts, GIS, and city plat maps to model the existing system, providing proposed improvements in Civil 3D and analyzing it with the both the 25-year and 50-year design storm using Analyze Gravity Network (AGN) tool in Civil 3D. The team provided quantities for cost estimates for the design improvements and documented the design process for the project reports. The team prepared support information for the CCO and analyzing the CCO for cost, time, and other related impacts. The support information consists of a drainage analysis, including a written report and updated plan sheets. The project is in construction Summer 2022. Total project cost is $370 million.