Manuel Vierra Park Improvements

Inclusive Playground and Splash Pad Planned

Proposed improvements for the City of Gridley’s Manual Vierra Park include ADA ramps and new inclusive play structures with musical elements, on-grade hillside slides, an expanded splash pad area with a water feature wall to provide greater separation from traffic, added seating around play areas, an amphitheater with hillside seating and concession stand, rehabilitated tennis courts, renovated group picnic areas with brick barbeques, bike trail, new restrooms, and additional lighting to enhance safety and security.

Master Planning, Public Outreach, and Grant Application

As City Engineer for the City of Gridley, the firm initiated master planning with a landscape architect, held public outreach, and developed a grant application to fund the design and construction of most of the improvements. The grant application will be submitted for the Statewide Park Development and Community Revitalization Program – Round Four, due March 12, 2021. The tennis court improvements will be funded by the Proposition 68 Per Capita Allocations non-competitive grant, also available through the California Department of Parks and Recreation.

Similar projects: Neighborhood Park #3 and Benevento Family Park.