The Advantages of Selecting a Multi-Disciplinary Firm
This project included the replacement of 4,200 LF of existing water mains followed by full-depth roadway replacement on five residential streets in the City of Lincoln. BEN|EN possesses both water resources and roadway engineering staff, so our team was able to provide both services in-house resulting in design cost savings for the City.
Many of the existing pipelines were located in the front yards of private parcels so special consideration was given to the homeowners along those alignments. The new alignment for the waterline was based upon other utilities in the roadway and connections to upstream and downstream pipelines. After connecting to the new pipelines, the old ones were abandoned thus eliminating the need to disturb residents for future repairs.
Shallow underground utilities within the existing pavement section limited rehabilitation options and strategies. After careful analysis, full-depth reclamation (FDR) was selected. FDR reduces the amount of paving material transported by recycling the existing pavement as the base layer for new pavement, thus saving the County time and construction costs. The team provided utility coordination, right-of-way mapping, and drainage design.