New Crosswalks and Sidewalks Enhance Student Safety
The City of Rancho Cordova desired to enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety along Coloma Road, Dolecetto Drive, Ellenbrook Drive, and Malaga Way by updating and installing new crosswalks, installing approximately 4,750 LF of curb, gutter, sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, drainage improvements, striping, and markings using Safe Routes to School funding. This project required coordination with residents whose yards, driveways and fencing were affected by the improvements. Mature landscaping within the right-of-way was addressed and some fire hydrants were relocated.
The City selected BEN|EN to provide project scoping, cost analysis, technical design, equipment procurement, preparation of plans, specifications and estimates for construction documents, construction bid assistance, and construction assistance for this gap closure project.
12413 funding | 12494 design