Pipeline and Fire Hydrant Replacement Design
Since 2012, Bennett Engineering Services has provided surveying, design, and permitting for several water main replacement projects located in various Citrus Heights residential neighborhoods.
The work includes replacement of aged, undersized distribution pipelines including water meter connections and replacement of Warf fire hydrants with wet barrel hydrants. The design was closely coordinated with district staff to provide drawings and details that looked like they were prepared in-house using the district’s construction details.
Some of the project locations fell within the boundaries of both the City of Roseville and Placer County. It was discovered early in the process that the municipalities had conflicting standards for pavement restoration and inspections. The team worked closely with both jurisdictions to successfully design pipeline alignments, trenching, and pavement restoration details that minimized pavement restoration and were acceptable to both entities. The hydrant replacement also required coordinating fire marshal approvals from multiple fire districts.
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