Canal Piping Resiliency Project

Improvements to Georgetown’s Canal Piping Increases Resiliency

This project plans to replace a canal near Georgetown with a pipe for increased resiliency and efficiency. The canal resides on a hillside at the top of the GDPUD water system and conveys from the main water source to the community’s drinking water and treatment plants downstream. Erosion and debris from the Mosquito Fire and winter storms made accessibility difficult, and in the case the canal breaks there would be no alternate way to convey water. The proposed system would install 48-inch high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes totaling 8,000 linear feet, an access road, and a drainage path. Bennett Engineering Services is providing project management services, preliminary engineering and grant application assistance with costs, scope, and general construction methods and advice. The firm attended a site visit to inspect and prioritize sections of the existing canal for replacement with the operations manager. The preliminary engineering report (PER) was conducted after the assessment per USDA grant requirements. Currently, the canal project is in review with the USDA for grant applications.